Zwei Deutsche in England

Zwei Deutsche treffen sich in England

Two strangers meet in London. They start a conversation but they
usually have to use their dictionary quite often:

A: Hello, Sir! How goes it you?

B: Oh, thank you for the afterquestion.

A: Are your already long here?

B: No, first a pair days. I'm not out London.

A: Thunderweather, that overrushes me, you see not so out.

B: That can yes beforecome. But now what other: my hairs stood to
mountains as I the
traffic saw. So much cars gives it here.

A: You are heavy on the woodway if you believe that in London
horsedroveworks go.

B: Will we now drink a beer? My throat is outdried. But look,
there is a guesthouse, let us
there man go!

A: That is a good idea. Equal goes it loose, I will only my
shoeband close.

B: Here we are. Make me please the door open.

A: But there is a beforehangingcastle, the economy is to. How
sorry! Then I will go back to
the hotel, it is already retard. On againsee!

B: Oh, yes, I will too go. I must become my draught to Bristol.
Auf Wiedersehen!

A: Nanu, sie sind Deutscher?

B: Ja, sie auch? Das wundert mich aber. Ihr Englisch ist so
hervorragend, dass ich es gar
nicht bemerkt hätte..

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